As the President of the Crestview Park Association, we are exploring our options a bit deeper into having an outside company that is not residing within the neighborhood to handle the day-to-day operations of the Crestview Park Association. This will ensure that ALL the needs are met including insurance, maintenance, landscaping, arborist as well as the option to have them oversee control of the financials. They would take care of all the billing, conduct the operations for outstanding balance collections as well as place any liens on properties should they need them.
We are looking at this step as a long-term solution. The perceived misconception is that the 9 volunteered board members themselves are required to physically use the lawn equipment to take care of the park themselves. If one cannot physically do the maintenance or is unable to by other means, this is not fair to the rest of the neighborhood for it to not be able to get done. Should any of the current 9 board members step down, there would be a means in place to ensure that the Association does not stray away from its desired path.
A place we are looking at would be Hyperion Property Management. The full service is $895 per month as well as a 2% service contract fee to be the Managers of the Non-Profit Entity.
The quotes for contractors (considered service contract fee) I have been receiving for lawn maintenance comes around to $1500 per mowing of the lawn in all the parks. If the lawn maintenance is on average $1500.00. The 2% would only be $30.00 extra. In total per year, the lawn maintenance alone approximately would be $22,950 (this is based on 3 times per month from May - September. The insurance is $1,000 per year. WE Energies would be approximately $3,000 per year.
The new amount per person would be a minimum of $130.00 per year. These fees are paid by everyone including board members. I understand it is considered a substantial increase to all; however, this would ensure that everyone in the neighborhood including non-board members and board members is getting what they need and working towards a long-term solution.
I have attached these quotes for review as I would like the input of the neighborhood.
in order to initially get a handle on this situation, should we consider some of the following...
why not contact Bill who previously handled mowing duties and make a reasonable offer ($200 - $250 per cut) for weekly cutting chores given that now we see $1500 per cut is a number being kicked around. save a bunch of money here to get started. i'm sure the possibility exists that we could work something out with him on that. letting an outside entity come in and use our equipment to cut IS NOT a wise way to go IMHO for obvious reasons. we will be on the hook for repair work beyond routine maintenance. we're opening up a can of wor…